The Planning and Zoning Department processes and reviews the following for the City of Vine Grove:
- Residential and Commercial Developments
- Dimensional Variances
- Conditional Uses
- Zoning Changes
- Building Permits
- Record Plats
- Amended Record Plats
- Maintains Historical and Current City Maps
Vine Grove City Hall – City Council Chambers
300 West Main Street
Vine Grove, KY 40175
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: 270-877-2422
Fax: 270-877-2875
Aaron Robertson
Jessica Irwin
Planning & Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission reviews record plats, amended record plats and subdivision plats. The commission also conducts public hearings and makes recommendations on zoning changes. The public is notified prior to public hearings and the City Council makes the final decision by passing a zone change ordinance. The commission is appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council to serve staggered four-year terms.
Meetings: Third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the council chambers. If the meeting date falls on a federal holiday the meeting will be the following Monday.
The Commission consists of nine members. The Planning and Zoning Administrator serves as the secretary during meetings recording minutes and the City Attorney provides legal advice to the board, neither person is actually a member of the board.
William Betson, Chairman
Darin Logsdon, Vice-Chairman
Jennifer Banks
David Evangelista
Nathan Hayward
Thomas Brink
Salina Larsen
Phillip Miller
Regina Campbell
Board of Adjustment Commission
The Board of Adjustment hears requests for dimensional variances, conditional use permits, and appeals of administrative or Planning and Zoning determinations. The board members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council to serve staggered four-year terms.
Meetings: As needed based on applications.
Eric Thompson
Brandon Simpson
Kristopher Irwin
Harvey Debolt
Brian Larsen
Janna Krull
Paul Groves