CodeRED is an emergency notification service that notifies residents and businesses by phone about emergency situations.
CodeRED is used for any emergency alert including severe weather situations, substantial utility outage, evacuation notices, missing or lost persons, fires or floods, major roadway issues, significant criminal situations, chemical spills or gas leaks.
CodeRED provides an additional level of safety. If the power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV. telephone lines, however, are self-powered so we can continue to keep you informed through messages delivered by CodeRED. The system is voice activated. The recipient must say “Hello” before the message will be relayed.
For residents without Internet access, please contact City Hall at 270-877-2422 to supply the necessary information over the phone. Required information includes first and last name, street address (physical address, no P.O. boxes), city, state, zip code and primary phone number. Additional phone numbers can be entered as well.